7 Things You Should Always Discuss with Your Gynaecologist

7 Things You Should Always Discuss with Your Gynaecologist

As a woman, visiting a gynaecologist is essential to maintaining your reproductive and sexual health. During these visits, it’s essential to have open and honest conversations with your doctor to ensure that you receive the best care possible. To help you prepare for your next appointment, here are seven things you should always discuss with your gynaecologist.  7 Things you…

5 Signs of a Healthy Menstrual Cycle

5 Signs of a Healthy Menstrual Cycle

While there is no such thing as a perfect menstrual period, there are several signs of a healthy menstrual cycle. Furthermore, our menstrual periods may tell us a lot about what is going on in our bodies and our overall health. Unfortunately, most women have never been taught the language in which their bodies respond, much alone how to understand…

Endometrial thickness for pregnancy

Endometrial thickness for pregnancy

Endometrial thickness, health, and blood supply can all be maintained with the help of estrogen. In contrast, uterine lining thickness, receptivity, and blood supply can all be improved with the help of progesterone before embryo transfer. Multiple medical investigations have shown that a woman’s fertility declines, even with sufficient estrogen, if she has a continuously thin uterine lining. The endometrial…

Pregnancy-induced hypertension Treatment

Pregnancy-induced hypertension Treatment

Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is a condition that occurs during pregnancy and the first few weeks after birth. It is not a disease, but an abnormal physiological state resulting from the increase in blood pressure and heart rate due to hormonal changes after fertilization. It is characterized by the development of severe headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, fainting spells, and abdominal pain….

A complete guide on PCOS and PCOD

A complete guide on PCOS and PCOD

There are more than 200 million women of reproductive age worldwide.  are estimated to have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), with around 1 in 20 being affected, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). PCOS, which can also be referred to as a polycystic ovarian syndrome, is the most common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age and usually develops between the…